Jason Brings the Best to Route
Everyone at Route has big dreams—personal, professional, puppies, and all the other important stuff in life. But Route wouldn’t be able to reach for the stars without the passion and prowess of the people working to make things happen. One of those bringing the heat and raising the standards is Jason Kizerian.
As en enterprise account executive, Jason helps realize Route’s goals of uniting more shoppers around the globe to the ecommerce experiences they want (and deserve).
Lucky enough, he also helps people realize their dreams by helping them sell more and grow their business. Truly no one is losing here—Route, entrepreneurs, shoppers—and it’s all thanks to Jason.
Jason: A Brief History
I grew up in Orange County, CA where I live with my wife and four kids. For fun and days off, I like hiking the great outdoors with my fam and looking at model homes (I’m a Parade of Homes enthusiast). Plus, I’m a twin (since birth haha).
The Start of Jason’s Route Journey
A long-time friend and colleague (David Dustin) reached out to me to check out a new and upcoming company in the tech space and I’m sure glad I did (I was the 17th employee and 5th sales hire).
I believed (and still believe) in the vision and future of what the founder pitched me the first time I met him about what Route is and what it will be. I’ve been in the ecommerce/tech space longer than 12 years, and I knew Route would be something special. It has all the components of what a successful ecommerce merchant wants and what a growing company needs to be relevant in the ecommerce space.
Growing Inside and Outside the Office
One of the most surprising parts of my journey is how quickly Route has grown and how we’ve managed that growth. We’ve successfully pulled the right levers at the right time to get us to where we are now. Ecommerce is such a moving target and our team has maneuvered through the storms really well.
Since coming on board, I’ve learned, and continue to learn, a great deal about how fast-growing companies work and operate as well as when and how to pivot strategies effectively. As we move upstream and talk to larger clients, we’re learning what they want and adapting accordingly.
My favorite projects are the enterprise deals I work. The internal processes and custom nature of each deal makes my job fun as well as rewarding. I learn new and innovative ways to close business and negotiate. These deals really help Route to stay on the cutting edge of tech and post-purchase user experience.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
What can I say? My team is great! They’re passionate and love what Route is doing to help merchants succeed. We help each other close business because we can, plus a “a rising tide lifts all boats.” But a challenging aspect of my role in sales is the mental shift that has to happen on a daily basis.
All aspects of prospecting can be daunting and tedious day in and day out. For me, I strive for balance and break out my day into morning and afternoon sections that tackle each of my prospecting efforts. I also take time to celebrate the wins, which helps me to work through some of those tough days. The feeling and taste of past victories keeps me motivated.
A huge bonus is that the culture at Route is awesome! I love the constant fun activities and parties we have with the company. Definitely feels like a work family and the culture makes it easy to come into the office and get work done.
Out of Route’s values, “passion” is the one that resonates most with me. If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, then it’s not worth pursuing. Passion for something is contagious. For me to excel wherever I’m at, I need to have passion for what I’m offering and the company needs to be passionate about what they are doing. #route