In 2008, WordPress expanded its capabilities to include ecommerce with the unveiling of WooCommerce. With so many folks building blogs and using WordPress as their go-to content management system (CMS), this extension empowered entrepreneurs to set up their own shop exactly how they want in the user-friendly way they’re familiar with.
Initially launched as WooThemes, this open-source platform is built on WordPress and touts incredible customization. From navigation and design to insights and extensions, WooCommerce swiftly hands over the keys to building the ultimate ecommerce website that fits your unique shoppers like a glove.
With so much power over every little piece of the shopping experience, though, it only makes sense that sellers on the platform would also want to extend that experience beyond checkout. For merchants hankering to engage throughout the post-purchase journey in the most impactful ways possible, Route is a smart add to the tech stack.
For tracking, premier package protection, and stress-free issue resolution, read on to learn why Route is the best post-purchase platform for any WooCommerce store.
WooCommerce Paves the Way for Ecommerce Entrepreneurs
The popularity of WooCommerce does not go unnoticed. In a little more than a decade, the platform has spurred the expansion of ecommerce and opened up millions of doors for people hoping to sell products online. The fact that it’s such a hit isn’t all too surprising, though, when you consider the fandom of WordPress.
A massive 43.2% of the world’s websites use WordPress (a total of 708 million sites), up from 35% in 2020. It only makes sense that sites running on WordPress would turn to WooCommerce, which is exclusive to WP sites. It’s a plugin that simply makes sense for all those sites. Plus, it’s one of the only ecommerce platforms that outshines Shopify.
At 3.2% market share in the CMS world, Shopify has an impressive piece of the pie. However, when compared with Woo’s 4.9% share, it doesn’t seem as mighty as many make it out to be. Aside from 5% of all websites today using WooCommerce, the platform also accounts for nearly 29% of all online stores.
While Shopify, BigCommerce, and Magento—along with a seemingly endless train of platforms like Wix, Square, and more—all vie for more market share, WooCommerce remains a tough contender to top in the arena.

With top-notch customization, flexible payment options, free startup costs (plugins could cost extra), and user-friendly interface, WooCommerce is truly an ecommerce platform fit for anyone looking to set up shop without the confines of many competing platforms.
Maximize Your WooCommerce Experience for Every Customer with Route
If it’s not evident by now, WooCommerce is powerful, useful, and simple by design. Its ease doesn’t suck up all your time and distract you from innovating and growing your brand in other ways. It’s also got a long history and is reliably tethered to the planet’s leading CSM. It’s no wonder it has such a fistful of the market—and no one’s complaining (er, save for Shopify, maybe).
And as much as merchants love it, customers might just love it more. After all, the on-site shopping experience can be designed to ultra-specific tastes, no matter how niche an audience a seller may have. With total control of the experience in the sellers’ hands, customers can enjoy handsome designs, frictionless navigation, and a wide variety of ways to pay.
So, with so much love floating around, why not spread that love beyond the checkout? With Route, WooCommerce merchants can maximize the impact they have with every single customer to traverse their site.
With Route, merchants get the best tracking software available alongside premium package protection that can be catered to their customers and strategy. It’s finally a way to take total control over the entire customer experience, not just what happens on their website. Route empowers WooCommerce stores to engage with customers in meaningful ways with solutions like.

Route Track
- Send branded tracking notifications through the channels your customers care about. Push notifications, SMS texts, email, and more are available for extending engagement and keeping customers in the know.
- Invite customers to watch their package travel all the way to their doorstep with the Route app’s visual tracking map.
- Deliver peace of mind with every purchase and reduce the amount of time and effort spent answering “Where is my order?” from anxious customers.
- Stay top of mind with customers all the way through delivery to increase the likelihood of a repeat purchase and loyalty.
- Take control of the shipping experience instead of letting third-party carriers handle the lackluster and outdated post-purchase communication.
Route Protect
- Tailor package protection levels to your products and customers.
- Give customers the tools to quickly and easily file claims should their package arrive damaged, get stolen, or become lost along the way. Usually, self-resolution takes as few as five clicks, which saves your support team a lot of time and money.
- Once a claim is filed, instant resolutions are on the way. Route automatically refunds or reorders products for WooCommerce merchants. This saves sellers the tedious manual task of refunds and reorders, but total buyer protection also saves them the out-of-pocket costs.
Route for Merchants Is Ready for Woo
If you’re already selling with WooCommerce, you have a good idea about how important the customer experience on your website is. You’ve chosen a platform that can highlight your brand, your mission, and your products in the best way possible—and now you’re ready to take the experience all the way to delivery (and, hopefully, long-term loyalty).
Route is the best free tracking software for WooCommerce stores, with premium, mind-easing, anxiety-reducing package protection to boot. WooCommerce is already a near-perfect ecommerce platform, but now it’s time to add some post-purchase solutions to the mix to reduce your support costs, increase repeat customer rate, and differentiate your brand from others in the swelling ecommerce sea.
Ready to revolutionize your WooCommerce store?